Thursday, July 31, 2008
Faded Elegance - FREEBIE
2nd - a game that Ben & I have been waiting to release just arrived in our mailbox today! We have GameFly (kinda like Netflix) so we get to rent and try them out for as long as we want!! Ben played for a while to check out the game, then I joined him. He wasn't too pleased because this game I love and I'm pretty good at what he calls *button-mashing*! I push a lot of buttons fast and accomplish totally whooping his butt! LOL Lovin' it!!

Oh by the way, just in case you were wondering, the game we played is called Soul Calibur IV on XBOX360. My fave character is Raphael!!! Yep, I'm a gamer dork, sometimes! haha
I also have a little present for you ~
"My Girl" Add-On

A little FREEBIE I cooked up for you!!
Click HERE
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Updates & Pics coming soon
Oh, he did find one pic online that someone took!! So, go HERE if you want to see it.
(by the way, he was dressed as PUNISHER and later he wore his custom-made SPIDERMAN costume)
I tried to organize a Girls Night at my house since Ben was gone, but seems everyone else was out of town too. So it didn't happen :(
So, Janan, don't worry, you didn't get left out AGAIN! We all missed out on a potentially fun evening, but next month should be better for all of us!!
But I did get to go to BUNKO!!!! It was FANTABULOUS as usual!!! Plus we watched the latest movie preview for "Twilight" on the "Penelope" dvd. It was exciting to see a few minutes with lots of friends {and fans of Twilight}!! And my niece babysat for me and spent the night so I wouldn't have to drive her all the way home so late at night (she lives like 30 min away). That was fun! The kids enjoyed having her here! Thanks, Chantel!!! You ROCK!!
I am getting super duper excited about "Breaking Dawn." The book releases Friday at Midnight!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! Another weekend with my niece. I'm taking her with me to get the book and having her spend the night again! That way we can go straight back to my house and start reading before we fall asleep!
Took Felicia to her *follow up* appointment this morning. The surgeon, Dr. Bailey, said she is doing GREAT!!! YAY!!! She can swim and ride her bike now. She should be all ready for more physical activity by the time school starts! Under her incision (which is healing fabulously) is lumpy, but the doc says that's normal because it's the stitches in her muscles and will take 3-6 months to completely heal and the stitches to dissolve. WOOHOO!!
Oh my goodness....I cannot believe that school is starting in less than 2 weeks!!! Holey Moley!!!
Yikes! I still need to complete the school registration packets & get them sent in! What happens if I don't send them in quickly?? esp since they were due the 25th! uh oh I'm late. Dang it.
Need to buy school supplies!! Haven't even started yet. I think the kids all need new backpacks and lunchboxes too. Plus school clothes! These kiddos are growing like weeds and outgrowing everything!! Pants, shorts, capris, shirts, dresses, socks, tennis shoes!!! You name it...they need it!! UGH! I'm going to be VERY BUSY this next week trying to get everything they need!
Are you ready for your kids to start school yet?
Oh my, it's so late and 2 kids are still up hanging out with me! Summer bedtime {or should I say NO bedtime} is going to be hard to break. Well, we need to start the progressively earlier bedtime each night. I'm so bad at that! I'm such a night owl and so I don't really mind if they're up late with me.
Whoops!! This was going to be short, now it's long. Sorry! Be back with pics later!
Monday, July 28, 2008
My Mornings & Growing Up

I also made this layout for the DSO Book of Me Challenge. I'm not sure I've ever completed a layout for that challenge before, although I've wanted to each month.
Yep, that's me when I was 14 and a Freshman in high school (although we called it 9th grade because we were still at the junior high). Anyway, I had big poofy hair including the bangs!! I used LOTS of hairspray (never liked the aerosol though). I had bad acne (which I spared everyone by cleaning it up in Photoshop..thank goodness - wish I could've done that in real life)! haha And I don't know what happened but seriously, the week I graduated high acne totally cleared up and I only get a couple zits at a time when I get them! I feel as though I deserve some clear skin though, my skin was so bad & I started getting zits when I was like 12. None of my friends had them, I felt so icky. That's what happens when you have oily skin. I even washed my face all the time. Went to the dermatologist, that helped for a while but too expensive to keep it up.
My eyebrows were weird, sparse yet all over. My Mom kept trying to help me use some tweezers but I was so scared that I would do it wrong and it would look BAD! So I didn't tweeze at all. But really, how could they get any worse than they already were?! LOL :) I also used to get perms probably every 6 months! My hair used to be totally straight before perms, but once I stopped getting perms, my hair suddenly started to do a not-very-pretty wavy curl thing, but mostly in the back! It's gotten curlier since I had kids too. Blah! So I have to blow dry my hair straight or use a flat iron once in a while.
Alright, 'nuff about the good ol' days of adolescence! This was a fun layout to make. Just looking at it makes me feel kinda old. I felt so *grown up* at 14 with my makeup and big hair! tee hee
I used my "My Girl" flowered paper {and elements that I'm still working on}. Hopefully I will get them finished, so I can get them in the store. So, this layout is kind of like a little sneaky peek!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thank You & Poor Doggies
They love to cuddle on their big dog pillow/bed.
Star is a bit camera shy. Sounds weird, I know, but every time I want to take her picture, at the last minute she turns away. haha So, I had to catch her with her ears perky cuz she's the cutest when she's excited! They are patiently waiting for their treat!
Ok, so you're probably wondering why I labeled this post "Poor Doggies"
Well, Pepper has been shaking his head a lot lately and Star started to do it the other day too. We looked up on the internet and found out they may have a one of a couple things: ear mites (which is very contractable from animal to animal - they're parasites that live & lay eggs in animals ears and eventually make their way out of the ear onto the animal's skin) or an ear infection - either bacterial or yeast.
I took them both to the vet yesterday. Star has put on a little weight since the last time we took them to the vet (in TX). Star weighs 60 lbs {she's our little piggie} and Pepper is 40 lbs. Normally, they are both very sweet and docile. Star let them check her temperature (you know where) and check her ears. She wimpered a little because her ears are tender. Pepper, on the other hand, was NOT very pleased about how they wanted to check his temp! He nearly bit the vet's assistant's hand off! WOW! I told her that I've NEVER seen him do anything like that before. It was just his warning 'snap' and didn't get her. He would never hurt anyone on purpose. She said his temp wasn't that important! Whew! When the vet came in and tried to check his ears, he again had the same reaction. They had to muzzle his sweet little fuzzy mouth. I said he looked like Hannibal Lecter. ha ha Pepper also was shaking like he was scared. Poor guy! They were due for their shots so they got those too & then the asst gave them treats for being so good. Pepper wouldn't touch his treat until they left the room. Then he gobbled it up!
Anyway...after swabbing their ears and checking the microscopes...they have yeast ear infections!!! Star has one in her left ear and Pepper has the infection in both his ears!! Poor babies!! So, I have to use an ear wash in their ears once a day and ear drops twice a day for 2 weeks. They aren't thrilled to get stuff put in their ears {I don't blame them, I hate it too}, but they enjoy the little massage we give them to get the drops to go all the way in. Hope these drops work and they feel better soon!
Monday, July 21, 2008
"Dear Friends,
Yesterday one of our design team members and friend, Jazzy, suffered a great loss. Her grandson, who was only 16, passed away. It has only been a few months since her daughter passed away as well. We are all so sad for everything Jazzy has had to go through these last few months. You can read more about Andrews life, by reading this touching forum post she made at a while back.
For those of you who do not know Jazzy, she is one of the sweetest kindest ladies I have ever been blessed to meet. She is a little further on in years, and lives on a very limited income. We, the designers at DSO, do not want her to have to worry about coming up with money to pay her bills at this time. She has so much on her plate already. In an effort to do "what we can" to help her, we are having a ONE DAY ONLY SALE. Most of our team are participating in the sale (which INCLUDES Commercial Use and Mega kits) and 100% of the proceeds from todays sale will be sent to Jazzy. If you would like to put a message to Jazzy in the comment block during checkout, I will gladly include your name on the card that will be sent to her with the money raised. Any messages will be printed and included as well.

* * * * * * *
If you would like to donate instead of buy,
you can send funds thru paypal to please put FOR JAZZY on the transfer,
and your name will be included in the card as well as any message.
If you would like to just leave her a message, to let her know she is in your thoughts her blog is
and we also have made her a post in the forum Prayer Request....
Please take advantage of this one day sale, and help us help her.
We appreciate your business ALWAYS.

Sunday, July 20, 2008
It's all in the Cards
Yep, DSO is passing around a bug right now… the HYBRID bug! lol… We’ve all been making tons of hybrid goodies, and cards is one of them. So this weeks challenge is to create a card.
To help you out, Sherrie (aka RCMama) made 2 templates that you can use to make your card.
Here's my card {using Sherrie's Template #1}:
I made it all on the computer {using my "My Girl" solids & flowers papers}, then printed it and added the layered flowers & brad. This was so much FUN to create!
For more inspiration & to grab the templates visit the DSO Blog. You will also receive a free bonus (that Luisa made) for participating!
Isn't that beautiful? Now go create some cards!!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
My Family
This is our cute little family - me with my brother (Spencer) & sister (Christy) and our parents.
Now here's what the pages look like together:

{credits HERE}
I had fun putting this together!
And I LOVE my family!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Ashley's Gummy Chops
Thursday, July 17, 2008

1. Please put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. You must nominate 7 fellow bloggers for this award.
4. Add links to the recipients.
5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Another Book

If you haven't read this, you definitely should! BTW - it's not a sequel to Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas. It just has a similar feel or style of the story. Whatever! I'm not a critic about how a story is written. I just LOVE the story itself!!
A Sign of the Times
So your challenge this week is to do a layout. It can be of anything, like a "then and now comparison" or a layout of something you think represents "today". Whatever, just think "Sign of the times" and show us what you come up with!

I wanted to show some of the differences in technology in the last 20+ years! Can hardly believe it's been that long since I first played Atari!!
Here's what is in my layout:
One of the earliest personal computers, Atari, screenshot of Atari "Kaboom!" game, and the cool "brick" cell phone all from the early 1980s. Then one of the latest laptops (so much smaller than the big boxes on the desk), XBOX360, screenshot from XBOX360 "Battlefield: Bad Company" game, and my tiny pink cell phone.

Isn't it so cute?!! Now go play!!
Felicia's Hospital Stay

(so we ALL hung out til it was time to go home)

(crayons, markers, play-doh, notepad, clay, bubbles, coloring books, tattoos, beads, etc)

(the red one is "Fox in Socks" by Dr Seuss)

Edward (NA), Felicia & Dallas (RN)
{have to say I immediately thought of Twilight when he told me his name! LOL}

Monday, July 14, 2008
Felicia is HOME
WOW!! This has been quite the whirlwind weekend!!
I think combined Ben, Felicia and I got the normal amount of sleep, but as individuals...not so much! Only bits 'n' pieces! We are all drained but SO GRATEFUL that Felicia is OK. We were very nervous when we first decided to take her to the Emergency Room (<--that's such a scary word for me - cuz it justs says SERIOUS ILLNESS or something like that)! Anyway, Ben and my Dad gave her a blessing then we left and arrived at the ER around 8pm Saturday evening. Surprisingly, we got in right away to see the nurse and then the dr. They hooked her up to an IV immediately to get fluids in her & took some blood. She was dehydrated and running a fever. We only had to wait for a few minutes after she provided a urine sample.
The DR said from the results it "looked" like all the symptoms & test results pointed to Appendicitis! They wanted to be 100% sure, so they scheduled the CT scan. She had already vomitted a few times and they wanted her to drink the "contrast" liquid for the scan. She drank half of it and then...yep, most of it came up again. Poor girl. They were giving her anti-nausea meds in her IV too. They gave her a different anti-nausea med and let her rest a few minutes. Then she finally downed the rest of it. Took her in for the scan around midnight. I went with her and took a few pictures, so she could see what it looked like since she was a little out of it.
Around 1:30am, the DR confirmed Appendicitis and possible rupture! He called surgeon and they schedule the surgery. Although, no one told us when it would be. I thought it would be more like "Oh WOW she may have ruptured!! Let's get her to SURGERY immediately!" Nope, just kept getting "in the morning sometime, don't know for sure yet." But they started her on 3 different kinds of antibiotics to start clearing up the infection before surgery.
About 4am, they finally admitted Felicia and took us to a private room. {FYI - the rooms in ER were kinda private, not just the "curtain" rooms. So it wasn't too bad.}
We tried to sleep for a couple hours in our "new" chairs! haha Around 8:30am, the nurses came in telling us they were taking her to prep for surgery. We followed and stayed with her until they took her around 9:30am. She was nervous and so were we, but we didn't tell her that. We'd never had any of our kids need surgery before. Sure a couple stitches on 3 of 'em but nothing really serious like this. We went to the cafeteria to grab a little breakfast and just after we got back to the waiting room, the surgeon came out with our GREAT NEWS!
The CT scan was right and wrong! Yes, appendicitis. NO rupture!! We were prepared for the worse and she would've had to stay in the hospital for at least a week! We were ecstatic!
Once she returned to her room, I went home for a few hours to spend some time with the kids and my parents, then showered & returned to the hospital (during our massive rain storm, of course). Then Ben and I had dinner in the cafeteria together and then he left for the night. He wanted to relieve my parents and bring the kids home to bed (so my parents could get some rest and Ben could sleep in a bed instead of the chairs we'd become accustom to in the hospital).
We were so HAPPY that she was well, the surgery went great, and she didn't have to be there very long. She was on antibiotics all Sunday. They finished about 1am today. That's when Felicia and I finally went to sleep for a few hours.
Felicia got up and did her walking exercises and started to eat some solid food, not much but something other than "liquid" foods. She was feeling a little better (still in pain sometimes but that's to be expected, I mean she had SURGERY). They decided to let her go home today.
I was so surprised that they called the Nurse Practictioner and she came to our room immediately and spoke to us about what to expect in the next couple weeks with her recovery. Then they got the paperwork, signed it and TADAAAAA we were able to leave. It happened really fast! {nothing like when you have a baby and they let you leave like 5 hours later!}
I also want to say that we had the BEST nurses and DRs while we were there! Felicia's experience was FANTASTIC even though she was really scared when we arrived. The Children's Unit was AMAZING! They even gave her a stuffed animal before surgery, then gave her more toys & gifts when she got back to her room! There was even a really neat Children's Activity room. However, she wasn't there long enough to really take advantage of that fun place.
We feel so BLESSED that we got her to the right place at the right time and now she can recover and get back to her normal active self! This has been a real learning experience and an emotional rollercoaster! I can't count how many times I just busted into tears or got teary eyed because of her situation. Not all because of worry or nerves, also because of joy!
Oh no! I'm getting glossy eyes as I think about how much we love Felicia and so happy she's doing well. She is such a trooper & so much stronger than she realizes! WE LOVE YOU, FELICIA!!! All the nurses and DRs just LOVED her too!!
***EDIT*** We were at Desert Banner Hospital in Mesa, AZ. So, if you ever need to take your chid there, just know that they will be in GOOD HANDS!!! {And the construction mess will be a whole children's hospital attached to the hospital soon}
{ok this is way longer than I originally planned. well, it's journaling, right?! I took lots of pictures, so I'll post them later.}
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Anyway, just wanted to check-in and say I probably won't be back online the rest of today. I'm heading back over to the hospital when I'm done getting cleaned up.
She will probably be able to come home tomorrow. Thank goodness!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Up Late with a Sick Kid
However, now Felicia has whatever it was that Nathaniel had.
I was up trying to get the kids to settle down & go to sleep. And Felicia had a tummy-ache. I was reading a little of my book to relax & unwind. Suddenly, I got a major foot cramp in my arch that was making my toes curl. Weird, I know. It happens periodically. I was trying to massage my foot hoping the muscle would release. Felicia kept getting up, so I put her back to bed. In the middle of having another prayer with her so she could sleep...she reached for the bucket (the one the kids get when they're not feeling well). I walked her to the bathroom.
Well, this just turned into a very long night for her. Poor Felicia! Once she barely sat up & couldn't grab the bucket in time. She ran for the bathroom. I had to rinse her in my shower when she was done. I feel really bad for her. She's so uncomfortable. And can't stop vomiting.
To make things worse, is that possible? Ben keeps getting up periodically to check on me. Not a bad thing, but I don't hear or see him until I practically run into him...therefore, scaring me to death! LOL
On a side note, in between helping & cleaning & rubbing her tummy or back or head, I got to read my book. And finished it! It was AWESOME & AMAZING & WONDERFUL!!! If anyone wants to borrow it, you can. BUT I want it back!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Alvin, Simon & Theodore

Today was Summer Movie Fun and we saw Alvin & the Chipmunks. It was really CUTE!
We almost didn't make it. We woke up really late, only had a few minutes to get ready, the girls were fighting as we went out the door, then Ashley had a melt down. I was not very pleased about it! We arrived right after the movie started, luckily we only missed a couple minutes (well me, the kids already saw it), and it wasn't crowded at all, so we got good seats up top. We made microwave popcorn & divided it up along with a box of runts. So, everyone had their own treats {aka breakfast of champions}! LOL
It was funny and we got to see some friends! I was feeling kinda icky because I didn't get a shower, hadn't washed my hair for several days (ok, since Sunday) and had to touch-up my leftover makeup. As we were leaving, I saw some other moms (who I didn't know) and realized that I wasn't the only one who probably rushed out the door without looking my very best. OK, I suddenly didn't feel too bad.
BTW - Ashley lost her 2nd front tooth just before bedtime Wednesday night. I'll post a pic later. She looks really cute & gummy! tee hee :)
I made my first potroast yesterday that I cooked for 3 hours but turned out like a thick steak. YUCK! I do NOT like steak! That's why I cook meat overnight on low heat when I want shredded beef! The potatoes & carrots turned out fabulous! So, when we got home today, I threw the rest of the pot roast (plenty leftover since we didn't eat much of it yesterday) into the crockpot and cooked it all afternoon. {my Mom's idea} It was heavenly by the time Ben got home for dinner! Thank goodness for crockpots and Moms who have the answers to everything! THANK YOU, MOM!!
Oh, I read some more of my book last night and now I'm half done. It's so good! I just love James Patterson! He's such an incredible author and storyteller!
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Over 100 Elements - not all shown