Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Christmas is Officially OVER

OK, we finally took down our Christmas decorations yesterday, packed them up & Ben put them in the attic. Whew! We also put away our extra table that has been out because we've had several big family get-togethers over the last few months. YAY! Now our house is feeling spacious again! Now if we can just get the rest of the kids' crap put away & clear off our kitchen island (that seems to be drop-off central). Getting stuff put away actually gives me PEACE! Looking at clutter stresses me out. So, there's several mini-projects that I need to do, so I can have more peace & less stress!

One of my friends sent this quote to me (which I have seen before & absolutely LOVE, but couldn't find it again until now - thanks Janan!):

PEACE - it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Isn't that fabulous?! So, I'm working on that. But it doesn't mean living in the mess and being in denial. I can be at peace in my home even when it's not perfect (because it's not), but I can definitely improve my space so that I have more peace! Does that make sense? Well it does to me.


SuperCoolMom said...

That ABSoluTeLy makes sense! What an awesome quote too! - gives me goosebumps!

Jen Shumway said...

I have to have all my counters cleared off. Or I don't have peace I should listen to that comment

Crazymamaof6 said...

that is fab! you should have that in vinyl lettering!

jenny said...

I love how spacious my home feels after all the stuff is put away. Fabulous quote. Something I definitely need as well!

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

I am so with you on the Christmas stuff. Once it's put away I feel so much better. I love that quote about peace!!!! It made my day Ü

Ondriawfd said...

I so know how you feel. The clutter stresses me out too. Love the quote though. Thanks for sharing it.