Monday, June 30, 2008
Picture M&M's

Last Download a Day
Better hurry because the link will be gone tomorrow!!
It's a really cute bracket album using lots of stuff from the whole mega kit!

Also, starting in July, you will have to do ALL the challenges to get the WHOLE MEGA KIT for FREE or you can buy it in the store. You won't want to miss out on the next kit! It's AMAZING!!!
FYI - you may have noticed there are a few technical difficulties at DSO. Don't worry you can still grab your freebie from the blog, but the rest will be up & running better than ever soon!!! Can't give away any details yet. Check back often so you won't miss it!
We're Baaaaaack!
We went to San Diego, CA for a few days and got home last night! We had so much FUN!!!
We went to the San Diego Zoo, the Wild Animal Park, and the BEACH!!!
The weather was in the low 70's the whole time and got down to the low 60's in the evening with a nice breeze!!! So, that's like 40-50 degrees cooler than here in AZ!! It was AWESOME!!!
I took LOTS and LOTS of pictures!! So many that I ran out of space on my 1GB memory card. I even used Felicia's camera for a few more pics. And that was only on Friday! We found a Best Buy nearby and got a new 2GB memory card so I could take more fun pics at the beach! Thank goodness for digital cameras! I would've spent way too much $$ on regular film trying to catch all of our fun vacation!
I haven't even begun to upload my camera or Felicia's yet. When I get to that, then I will definitely post some pictures.
THANK YOU, Mom & Dad for taking care of our animals while we were away! They were well-fed and not too lonely from all of your affection! They were very happy to see us too! Oh and thanks for the yummy sloppy joe's for dinner! It was a big hit! Thanks for the other groceries too so we didn't have to go shopping the minute we got home! You're the BEST!!!
Now I'm off to unpack & wash all of our sandy clothes! I cannot believe how the sand gets EVERYWHERE!!! Oh well, it was totally worth it!!!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Memory Boxes
I'm thinking about getting some ribbon to tie the top closed.

Don't forget to check the DSO Store because today is New Release day!!
There are TONS of new goodies!!!
Also, check the DSO Gallery & DSO Designers' blogs {their links are on my sidebar} for more ideas on the Memory/Gift Boxes!
Monday, June 23, 2008
My Turn - Part 2
The PAPERS are now available for download TODAY ONLY, so you better hurry!! Check back each day for more parts from the other designers!

Don't worry, if you miss out on some parts, the whole Mega Kit will available in the shop at the end of the month!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Funny Movies

What movies have you rented that you liked?
That's what Ben just said to Nathaniel as he tooted in his face!
***EDIT*** Nathaniel says he "dodged" IT like in the Matrix!
It's so gross that it's funny!
AND so wrong on so many levels!!! LOL :)
ONE WORD > > > > > BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry just had to share cuz it just happened next to me as I was checking my email.
Plus, I told him...I'm SO BLOGGING THIS!!! hee hee
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Name that Game CONTEST
Ok, this is kind of a funny tribute to my hubby! He used to play a video clip all the time just so he could listen to this song.
Here's what you have to do:
1 - Watch the video clip below
2 - Name which XBOX 360 video game (teaser video) one of the songs is from
{HINT - I just added this song to my playlist}
3 - Name which song my hubby kept singing to me tonight
{which of course got STUCK in my head all evening!}
4 - You can enter as many times as you want
5 - FIRST person to answer correctly WINS!!
Ok, now for the PRIZE...not sure yet. We are going on vacation soon, so I will bring something back as the prize!
Now watch this video clip:
By the way, this clip is for the new game "Battlefield Bad Company"
Ok, I know you're thinking...I don't know ANYthing about video games! Don't worry, anyone can figure this out by doing a couple searches or using resources you may have at home (like your hubby - if he plays games)!
**I've given a few clues in my post!**
{and YES, I already know I'm a DORK!! ha ha}
Funny Preacher
{you'll want to turn off my music first - in my sidebar on the right, scroll down, press pause, then you can watch the video}
Summer Heat & Chores

Thursday evening after our great family swim, the kids headed to the shower! Not all at once! Nathaniel hopped in first. However, I think the girls were bugging him, so he threw his swim shorts at Felicia! Well, the rivets on his shorts hit her right in the eye! They both got in trouble! This is what her eye looked like the next morning! She's also tired, so her eyes are sleepy puffy, plus the red mark under her left eye!
Here's my little man helping pluck & wash grapes. He LOVES helping with this little chore. ha ha. He got a bowl out for each kid & filled 'em to the rim! Now they're gone. I guess only the kids get some. Ashley was nice enough to share ONE grape with me since everyone else downed theirs already! Thanks Anson & Ashley :)
Apparently, this is what it looks like when you put new rolls of toilet paper away in the storage room! ***NOT***
Toilet Paper tower
Not exactly my idea of "putting away" LOL
Ahhh, and here's what it looks like when Felicia is re-sorting the kids' dirty laundry. Or at least that's what she's supposed to be doing.
{she still doesn't realize she's been 'caught' not working}

{sorry, don't mind all the dirty undies}

Hot or Cold
What the heck????
Thank you 113 degree AZ HEAT!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
PeePee Dance
Why OH Why??

{most of the time they do pretty good, but lately, not so much}
Chores Done...Swimming FUN

I held onto him and he was having fun (while practically choking me)! haha
His swim vest is all stretched out and doesn't attach to his new shorts, so he doesn't want to wear it. However, that means he can't swim on his own yet. He rode on Ben's back a little while last night. He suddenly decided he was cold & tired, so he got out. He just watched while he was wrapped up in a towel. A few minutes later, he asked to come back in. So, I held onto him a little longer. Then, I put him on the steps and he started to bounce around. He can reach the 3rd step and not be underwater. He was bouncing a lot & having fun! FINALLY!!! YAY!!
That is the same thing Ashley used to do (2 years ago). She only used her swim vest for a couple weeks. Then she bounced on the steps (w/o the vest). She would also "swim" on the 3rd step because it's longer. It gave her the courage to finally venture out across the shallow end.
I'm hoping Anson will do the same thing. Maybe he will get a little courage to swim off the steps a little without help. He has the right idea kicking and using his arms properly. I just hope he can do it for real soon.
Any tips?
Gotta go get ready for Summer Movie Fun!!! And tonight is Bunko!!! It's going to be a GREAT day!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
No Work and All PLAY
But for the rest of YOU, play play play!!!
My newest kit at DSO is called "PLAY" because it's full of bright colors for capturing those fun and playful moments in your life! AND it's on SALE so you can SAVE 25% for a limited time!!

16 papers (5 solid and 11 patterns)
47 Elements (not all shown)
NOPE! Not ONE hit me! hahaha
Here's a layout that Bunny made using my kit! Isn't it FABULOUS?!!!
{Credits HERE}
Oh, I almost forgot, I also have a FREEBIE for ya!
I made a QP from my layout!

You can grab it HERE
**Sorry link no longer available**
If you download, please leave a comment. Thanks!
Also, if YOU create something using my kits, I would LOVE to see them! And maybe I'll even showcase them on my blog (with your permission, of course).
Don't forget to check out ALL the newest releases at DSO! There are TONS of wonderful new kits!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Beautiful Music
Links to some BEAUTIFUL music (click the song titles):
some are slide shows w/ music & a couple are videos of people singing
TRUST ME - you want to see/hear these!!!
They are AMAZING!!!
Army of Helaman
As Sisters in Zion
A Child's Prayer
Love is Spoken Here
How Can I Be
Are you cold in the Summer?
Anyway, tonight, Ashley found Ginger in our sink again. She decided to help make her comfy & cozy "because she might be cold!" hahaha
Well, Ginger's lookin' mighty COZY!!! Don'tcha think?

Well, you can't blame Ashley for trying! LOL :)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
One Word
1. Where is your cell phone? .................... Purse
2. Your significant other?....................... Sexy!
3. Your hair?.................................... Icky!
4. Your mother? ................................. Awesome
5. Your father?.................................. Wonderful
6. Your favorite thing?.......................... Family
7. Your dream last night?........................ Dunno
8. Your favorite drink........................... Water
9. Your dream/goal?.............................. Peace
10. The room you're in?.......................... Computer
11. Your ex?..................................... Whiny
12. Your fear?............................... Drowning
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years........... Here
14. Where were you last night?................... Movie
15. What you're not?............................. Liar
16. Muffins...................................... Delicious
17. One of your wish list items?................. Capri's
18. Where you grew up?........................... AZ
20. What are you wearing?........................ Dress
21. Your TV?..................................... BIG
22. Your pets?................................... Soft
23. Your computer? .............................. Pink
24. Your life?................................... Great
25. Your mood?................................... Happy
26. Missing someone?............................. Siblings
27. Your car?.................................... Dirty
28. Something you're not wearing?................ Makeup
29. Favorite Store?...................... Old Navy
30. Your summer?................................. HOT
31. Like someone?................................ Friends
32. Your favorite color?......................... Red
33. Last time you laughed........................ Today
34. Last time you cried?......................... Sunday
{don't know what happened to #19 - I copied & pasted}
What kind of sandwich do you want?
The way they make them:
1st-put 2 slices bread in the toaster
2nd-take bread out
3rd-get out slice of American cheese
4th-put cheese on 1 slice of bread, top with 2nd slice of bread
5th-put in microwave for about 8 seconds to melt cheese
6th-slice into 4 triangles & EAT
However, Anson wanted to make a new variation of this sandwich today...
He wanted Crunchy PEANUT BUTTER on it too!!!
"Ewwwwww!!!" is what I was thinking.
I asked him if he was sure...YEP!
I helped him spread some crunchy peanut butter on the top slide & then put it on the cheese. Next, he put it in the microwave to help melt the cheese.
Trying not to make the EWWWW face, I asked him if he was excited for his new sandwich!
I had to see his face when he took a bite...SMILE! He LOVED it!
I had to leave the room. LOL :)
I LOVE peanut butter and I like cheese, just NOT together! ha ha
Dad's Den - FREEBIE
I also used Teriann Hanks "Making Waves" template for the DSO Template Challenge.
This kit is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!
You can get it HERE
If you download it, please leave a comment.
I also LOVE seeing what you have created using my kits!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Father's Day - continued
As you can see, Ashley put her bacon in a bowl instead of on her plate. This was seriously upsetting Nathaniel. He told her that she needed to "respect the bacon" and put it on a plate!!! HA HA HA WOW! This guy totally cracks me up!!
Ginger could smell the bacon and was curious. So, Nathaniel brought a little piece in to show her what she was missing out on. {Don't mind my unmade bed, also our bedskirt is tucked into the mattress cuz Ginger has been taking naps under our bed & the kids keep crawling under there to see her.} Ginger stood up to grab the bacon! Must be really good! LOL Nathaniel could NOT stop giggling! {ooohhh look at her eyes - look kinda freaky! ha ha}
It was really good. At one point, the Hulk says "HULK SMASH!!!" just like in the game. Anson was excited and said it too! He also calls him "the green guy!" He's quite the little character! ha ha
I was a little confused at first. We saw the first one, and I was thinking this was going to be a sequel. But it's NOT. It's a re-do, kind of. Ben explained it to me, Marvel wasn't involved with the first one, but this one they were. So Marvel had complete control over the story. The latest comic book hero movies (Iron Man & Hulk plus future ones - Thor, Captain America) are also leading up to one BIG hero movie... The Avengers!
Ok, 'nuff comic book talk...here's what we did for a little while after the movie. It's SCORCHING outside (around 111 degrees) and in front of the theater is kind of a little water play area. The kids had played here before & liked it. So, we let them again. Well, Anson was a little tired or upset. (While we were waiting for the lights to turn on inside the theater, he was walking around, then went to the wrong row & grabbed a lady's leg behind us. Once he realized it was the wrong "MOM" he kinda freaked! hee hee) Nathaniel hung out with me. He was telling me about his birthday watch that we got him. He LOVES it! He just realized it has timers or alarms. He was setting it for the morning! Like he needs it - he's a human alarm clock! We watached the girls run around getting very WET! LOL :)
Felicia & Ashley were having a BLAST running around! They liked putting their foot over one spout hole and wait for it to shoot out then jump back! Ashley also ran circles around (weaving in 'n' out) the water spouts!
Anson finally calmed down and wanted to check out the water, but my camera memory card was suddenly FULL. Not a big deal, but when I tried to delete a few to catch him playing, my battery died. Bummer. Oh well, he only played for a minute then got upset because his pants got wet. Looks like someone is tired. So, we left.
Of course, Anson was totally fine after we got home and he got his wet clothes off. ha ha
We ate leftovers for dinner, then Ben left to go help his mom with her internet. It keeps messing up. He's such a great helper to his MOM!!
FYI - Gift Card
AND...they're offering a free $3 gift card for the FIRST 50 people who comment in the forum The Happy Place!!!
I just stopped by and there's already 45 comments. If you want one, you better HURRY!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'm also grateful for my 'other' Dad (my father-in-law) - Jim! He's so sweet, loving, thoughtful & a wonderful Grandpa. Thanks for being my 2nd Dad! Love You!!
Ahhh, and here's my Honey! I love him so much!! He is the BESTEST hubby!!And He is an AWESOME Father to our kids!
Ben is always such a BLAST!!! We have LOTS of FUN when he's around! The kids just adore him. I mean who wouldn't love this face? tee hee :) {sorry hon, you knew I'd have to post this silly pic}
That's his Watermelon Smile! LOL :)
Ok, here's his REAL smile!!! Love those dimples!! I'm not the only one who adores him!
Here's the kiddos who totally look up to their SUPER DAD!!!

Since we have 'early bird' church (yes, 8:30am is VERY early - for us), we are having our Father's Day breakfast extravaganza tomorrow! After we sleep in a little. We're going to make Belgian waffles, turkey bacon and eggs! YAY!!!
Hope y'all have a great Father's Day & don't forget to ((HUG)) your DAD!!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Peanut Butter S'mores

4 tsp hot fudge ice cream topping
4 large marshmallows
4 peanut butter cups (not the minis)
Spread the bottom of four cookies with fudge topping.
Using a long-handled fork, grill marshmallows 6-in. from medium-hot heat until golden brown, turning occasionally. Carefully place a marshmallow and a peanut butter cup on each fudge-topped cookie; top with remaining cookies. Serve immediately
*Alternative - Just microwave (bottom cookie, fudge & marshmallow) for a few seconds til the marshmallows are soft instead of grilling them. Then top with pb cup & cookie!
If YOU try this before I do, please let me know how yummy they are!