Labor Day was so much FUN for us. We went swimming and I took lots of fun pictures! I totally can't believe how good Anson can swim! Last summer he was using a swim vest and this summer he hasn't used it at all. He started out just hanging out by the steps and dunking his head now & then. Now he can swim across the shallow end (as long as I'm at the other end with my hands reached out for him to grab). And that's with his face in the water! He is doing great! We have the cutest fish for kids! Well, Ashley thinks she's a Mermaid! LOL

The kids absolutely LOVE it when Ben is home & swims with us because he can lift the kids & toss them high in the air! Here's Ashley *flying*

Felicia way up there

Nathaniel getting tossed

Anson isn't quite ready for that yet!
Oh, here's the cool scratch post we got for Ginger.

She likes it, but she's not quite sure about the perches!
Ben rubbed catnip all over it to get her interested in it.

She hasn't been a fan of the catnip toys but straight from the jar & she's in heaven! She was rubbing all over that thing! It was hilarious!

Then she just sort of laid there just chillin'! hahahaha
Not really sure what the attraction is with catnip, but she definitely LOVED it!
Some days Ashley & Anson play together FABULOUSLY! Other days not so much. Luckily, this was one of the good days! They both found their bears that kind of match & have little sweaters. Suddenly they thought it was a good idea to take them to the bathroom & pretend to teach them how to use the potty! I asked them to do it again, so I could take pictures!
I'm not really sure why the step stool is on the potty, but Ashley said it was to *help* the bears! LOL
Anson's bear was up next. They even used a little toilet paper. tee hee
They also pretended to wash their bear hands & dry them. At least they're practicing good hygiene, right?! Well, they were having fun & not arguing at all, so I didn't mind what they were doing!

Yesterday we had our ward Primary activity day! The Primary Presidency went all out & set up water olympic stations! They all got to pretend they were someone from the scriptures & get wet at the same time! The kids had a BLAST!!!

At the end, there was a kiddie pool and tons of kids jumped in (including Ashley & Anson) and splashed everywhere! The older kids grabbed some of the buckets & water bottles (used in the games) to fill with water & pour on other kids! It was hilarious watching all the kids run everywhere playing and having FUN!
I thought the pictures of Ashley & Anson with their bears were so cute, so I had to use them for a layout. {It's also for the
DSO Template challenge}

{Teriann Hanks "Blocky Template"}
I used my newest kit "Mimzy"
{which is on SALE right now - SAVE 20%}
I also have a little surprise for YOU!
I made this ADD-ON and you can have it
FREE{for a limited time}If you want it, better hurry...
*sorry link has expired*
Please leave a comment if you snag it. Thanks!
I would LOVE to see anything you have created using any of my kits!