Here's a preview of my new kit
Monday, December 31, 2007
DSO January Color Challenge - Freebie
I love these challenges & I'm having fun creating stuff, too! Ok, I've created another Freebie kit for the Color Challenge. These colors were much easier to work with.
My 100th Post

I can't believe I've hit 100 posts already! Well, I have to say THANKS to Julie cuz I probably wouldn't have started a blog if it weren't for her. I love reading her blog & she made it look so FUN to have one, so yes I got the idea from her!

Sunday, December 30, 2007
My Special Kite
Here's my birthday kite I was telling you about...
If you can't read the writing on the kite - it says "I 'heart' MOM" all over it! Is she just the CUTEST & SWEETEST thing?!!

Missionary Farewell
Today was a Missionary Farewell for one of my cousins, Justin. He's leaving in 2 weeks to go to San Jose, CA - Mandarin Speaking Mission! WOW! Can't wait to hear him speak Mandarin Chinese. That'll be cool. I'm sure he's going to do great! He spoke in Sacrament meeting and gave a wonderful talk, his sister, Jessica, also gave a fabulous talk. I'm so impressed with today's valiant youth!!
Anyway, today was the first time that most of my cousins have been together at the same time, so of course, it was a major photo-opp! I brought my camera and so did a couple of my cousins. We were able to find someone to graciously take our picture (instead of going to Sunday School). Ben had to work (the only Sunday he's covering for someone), my sister is sick, and 2 of my cousin's spouses weren't there, plus 2 kids. Actually looking at the pictures, I think one of Justin's sisters wasn't there. Where was she? I saw her at their house later, hmmm. Like I said, most of us were there!
Anyway, today was the first time that most of my cousins have been together at the same time, so of course, it was a major photo-opp! I brought my camera and so did a couple of my cousins. We were able to find someone to graciously take our picture (instead of going to Sunday School). Ben had to work (the only Sunday he's covering for someone), my sister is sick, and 2 of my cousin's spouses weren't there, plus 2 kids. Actually looking at the pictures, I think one of Justin's sisters wasn't there. Where was she? I saw her at their house later, hmmm. Like I said, most of us were there!
Here are the Call Cousins
Hangin Out
I scrapped one of the pictures from our trek to Canyon Lake. I created my own background paper using several designers' overlays. I think it turned out pretty good!
Credits HERE

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Hmmm...the house is suddenly SO QUIET
Do you ever have that feeling of "ahhh the house is nice & quiet & peaceful...Wait a Minute... Where is Everyone? And what are they DOING?" Our house suddenly got super quiet a few minutes ago, and I looked all over the house searching for the kids. The tv was on and no one was watching, so I turned it off & closed the blinds & turned on some lights (now that it's totally dark outside & inside apparently). I just found them...all 4 kids are in the girls' room. My birthday is in a week and they're making me birthday cards or something spectacular (well that's the impression I get when Felicia's face lit up w/ her brilliant idea, then she had to take a big pile of colored paper & told me it's a surprise so she can't explain why she needs so much)! They're TOO Funny! Can't wait to see what they've created just for ME! Ashley already gave me a homemade kite that says "I Love Mom!" all over it! Awwww she's a total sweetheart!
Anyone Ever Lose Anything at the Lake??
Since Felicia received a cool Metal Detector from sweet ol' Santa, she's been looking for treasures everywhere! Not much luck around here though. So, my Dad heard that Canyon Lake had been drained & called to tell me that it's a "Metal Detector's Treasure Chest" and that there should be tons of "great finds" for Felicia. Apparently, 22 boats, 2 cars, 1 quad, and other stuff had already been discovered there! Ben had to work, so I picked up my parents and we headed out to Canyon Lake (this was on Thursday). Nathaniel went to his cousin's house instead. Boy did he miss out!
Ashley found a spot where "a crocodile must've laid down" (She's so funny!)
My Dad pretending he found a big wad of dollar bills!
Anson found what probably used to be a kid's beach umbrella!
I guess someone's riding around w/ only 3 wheels!
My parents & ME
My Dad found part of a water ski
Ashley found a tennis shoe
Does this shirt look familiar anyone?
Anson found a big log!
Ashley thought the big log looked kinda scary, so I had to hold her over it so she didn't touch it!
Ok, who dumped out all their empty soda & beer cans?
Felicia was kinda bummed about not finding many metal treasures (other than soda cans), so she found some big rocks to throw into the water! She loves the big splash!
See the cute critters who enjoyed eating our Krispy Treats!
ME & the kiddos
Ma & Pa
Felicia was very excited to find these pinchers!
Ok, I thought this was really cute of the kids, so I played around with the colors! Here's the original
A Copper finish
And a Dramatic B&W finish (I used actions from HERE, you can download it free)
Enjoying the beautiful view as the sun sets!
Oh wait! Felicia found one more treasure as we headed back to the car! She wanted to keep it, we had to tell her NO. Sorry!
So, if you recognize any of our "great finds" you may want to go pick them up quickly because they'll be filling the lake again in a few days!! We also found a couple pairs of sunglasses, flip flops, and another tennis shoe. (*As it turns out, they drained the lake back in Sept. Why are we just now finding out about it??) Well, even though we didn't find anything with great value, we had a good time getting out of the house & going on a spontaneous little adventure. My Dad also treated us to dinner on the way home. It was a FUN day!
Here's Felicia searching for metal treasures!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Ewwww Dad!
On Christmas Morning, after all the presents were open, the kids were playing with their new fun stuff. Well, Ben decided to rinse out Santa's cup because there was a little milk residue left in it. After he washed it, he took a little sip of water from the cup. Right behind him was Ashley saying, "Ewww Dad! Santa drank from that cup!"
Just wanted to share a li'l sumpin' funny w/ ya!
Just wanted to share a li'l sumpin' funny w/ ya!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas Day - pictures
As it turns out...SANTA found our house & ate our cookies! The kids wrote notes & drew pictures for Santa, and wouldn't ya know it - he left a "Thank You" note for them on the backs of their cards! What a nice Santa! 
Anson wasn't feeling well in the middle of the night and climbed into bed with us but kept me up from 4-5am. So, when the kids woke up at 7am, we weren't ready to get up yet. They bugged us until we finally rolled out of bed around 8:30am. The kids couldn't wait to show us what Santa had brought them!
Surprisingly, Santa brought everyone exactly what they had asked for. He must've thought they were REALLY good!
Felicia got her fabulous Metal Detector she was dying to have!
Here she is searching for metal treasures!
Nathaniel was thrilled when he opened his Nerf Longshot Dart Gun!
Check out how BIG that thing is!

Anson LOVES his Diego Backpack
Ashley got her beloved My Little Pony blanket & DVD
The Boys got the Girls Silly String
Needless to say, it was all over the house! Oh well, it was FUN!
Nathaniel also got another set of Dart Guns w/ matching vests

Here's the BIG FOOD spread at my parents' house
My parents' Christmas tree
Anson, Ashley, Auntie Christy, Nathaniel & Felicia
Felicia received a nice digital camera from Grandma & Grandpa, so she followed me around taking pictures of everyone last night! She LOVES her camera & taking fun pictures!
Auntie Christy gave Nathaniel & Anson some edible BUGS. ha ha :)

Grandma & Grandpa gave Anson his own Basketball Hoop & ball. He LOVES it!
Anson wasn't feeling well in the middle of the night and climbed into bed with us but kept me up from 4-5am. So, when the kids woke up at 7am, we weren't ready to get up yet. They bugged us until we finally rolled out of bed around 8:30am. The kids couldn't wait to show us what Santa had brought them!
Felicia got her fabulous Metal Detector she was dying to have!
Anson LOVES his Diego Backpack
Here's the BIG FOOD spread at my parents' house
Grandma & Grandpa gave Anson his own Basketball Hoop & ball. He LOVES it!
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