Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Newest Layouts

Afternoon Date

Monday, February 25, 2008
A Woman's Week at the GYM
Dear Diary, For my birthday this year, my daughter purchased a week of personal training at the local health club for me. I called the club and made my reservations with a personal trainer named Belinda, who identified herself as a 26-year-old aerobics instructor and model for athletic clothing and swim wear. My daughter seemed pleased with my enthusiasm to get started! The club encouraged me to keep a diary to chart my progress.
MONDAY: Started my day at 6:00 a.m. Tough to get out of bed, but found it was well worth it when I arrived at the health club to find Belinda waiting for me. She is something of a Greek goddess -- with blonde hair, dancing eyes and a dazzling white smile. Woo Hoo!! Belinda gave me a tour and showed me the machines. I enjoyed watching the skillful way in which she conducted her aerobics class after my workout today. Very inspiring! Belinda was encouraging as I did my sit-ups, although my gut was already aching from holding it in the whole time she was around. This is going to be a FANTASTIC week!
TUESDAY: I drank a whole pot of coffee, but I finally made it out the door. Belinda made me lie on my back and push a heavy iron bar into the air then she put weights on it! My legs were a little wobbly on the treadmill, but I made the full mile. Belinda's rewarding smile made it all worthwhile. I feel GREAT! It's a whole new life for me.
WEDNESDAY: The only way I can brush my teeth is by laying the toothbrush on the counter and moving my mouth back and forth over it. I believe I have a hernia in both pectorals. Driving was OK as long as I didn't try to steer or stop. I parked on top of a GEO in the club parking lot.
Belinda was impatient with me, insisting that my screams bothered other club members. Her voice is a little too perky for early in the morning and when she scolds, she gets this nasally whine that is VERY annoying. My chest hurt when I got on the treadmill, so Belinda put me on the stair monster. Why the He--!! would anyone invent a machine to simulate an activity rendered obsolete by elevators? Belinda told me it would help me get in shape and enjoy life. She said some other sh*t too.
THURSDAY: Belinda was waiting for me with her vampire-like teeth exposed as her thin, cruel lips were pulled back in a full snarl. I couldn't help being a half an hour late, it took me that long to tie my shoes. Belinda took me to work out with dumbbells. When she was not looking, I ran and hid in the restroom. She sent another skinny b*tch to find me.
FRIDAY: I hate that b*tch Belinda more than any human being has ever hated any other human being in the history of the world. Stupid, skinny, anemic, anorexic little cheerleader. If there was a part of my body I could move without unbearable pain, I would beat her with it. Belinda wanted me to work on my triceps. I don't have any triceps! And if you don't want dents in the floor, don't hand me the d@mned barbells or anything that weighs more than a sandwich. The treadmill flung me off and I landed on a health and nutrition teacher . Why couldn't it have been someone softer, like the drama coach or the choir director?
SATURDAY: Belinda left a message on my answering machine in her grating, shrilly voice wondering why I did not show up today. Just hearing her made me want to smash the machine with my planner. However, I lacked the strength to even use the TV remote and ended up catching eleven straight hours of the Weather Channel.
SUNDAY: I'm having the Church van pick me up for services today so I can go and thank GOD that this week is over. I will also pray that next year my daughter (the little sh*t) will choose a gift for me that is fun -- like a root canal or a hysterectomy. I still say if God had wanted me to bend over, he would have sprinkled the floor with diamonds!!!
[I enjoy going to the gym, but I have definitely had days/weeks similar to this (and I don't even have a trainer). I'm usually really sore if I try a new class or haven't been in a little while and overdo it the first couple days back.]
Emma Smith: My Story

It's the story of Emma Smith (when she met Joseph Smith, her courtship and other life challenges) thru her eyes. She was such a strong, righteous, and faithful woman. It comes out in April. Hopefully it will be showing in a local theater. I hadn't heard anything about it and now I'm so excited to see it. The music in the preview is beautiful and I actually got a little teary-eyed. I can't imagine how wonderful the whole movie is going to be!
52 Blessings - Week 8, Women's Conference
This weekend I had the opportunity to attend our Stake Relief Society Women's Conference. The theme was "It's About Time" and it was incredible. I was running late trying to get the kids ready. Ben had to work on Saturday (as usual) but they were offering a children's class, so that's why I was able to go to this meeting. Anyway, since we didn't even leave until 9:30am (and it started at 9am), I almost didn't go because I hate being late especially that late. I am SO GLAD that I finally piled the kids in the car and headed to church. Some young women were volunteering to help with the children's class, so that all women age 18 and older could attend.
Here's the list of speakers and their topics:
* Susette Cardon Hiatt "It's about time to balance our lives"
* Chef Brad Petersen "It's about time to find joy in what we are doing" and he also helped us ALL make bread (then the dough was used to make fry bread for Navajo tacos for the luncheon)
* Edwin Lamoreaux "It's about time to lighten up"
* Angela Johnson "It's about time to come unto Christ"
WOW!!! These speakers are all AMAZING people!! And SO TALENTED!! I missed most of the first speaker (Susette) but I received her handout and need to read it.
Chef Brad was funny and really made sense about how we should find JOY in all that we do as women/mothers. He talked while we ALL had ingredients in front of us to make bread dough (well we worked in pairs). He mentioned how we really enjoy serving others and we should find that same JOY in serving our own families as well. Everything we do is a service and we are blessing our families and in turn we are blessed. Like cooking/cleaning is an act of service for our families (or anyone else) and the Lord recognizes it as that. He explained it really well and he was also funny and just overall had some really interesting ideas or points of view. He said it's all in our ATTITUDE! So true!!
"Relief Society Rewind - A Walk through Time" A group of sisters from one of the wards put on an INCREDIBLE 'skit' about women through the decades. It was particularly about women who live(d) here in Arizona and ways that the Relief Society Sisters have blessed their lives.
Edwin Lamoreaux apparently speaks for the youth a lot. I can see why they keep asking him to do that. He is a wonderful speaker (even though most of his talk was kind of singing with his guitar - all clever songs he made up himself). He was really funny and told us that we need to have our "feet firmly planted on the rock." We need to have a firm foundation and hold strong to our values in life. He had us laughing and crying all at the same time. AWESOME!!
Our concluding speaker was Angela Johnson. She has trained as an operatic soprano since she was 13. She sang "Amazing Grace" for us while we looked at a beautiful picture of our Savior on a projector. Oh my goodness! Her voice is so BEAUTIFUL!! She told us that just 12 years ago, she needed a musical "break" and just spontaneously hopped in the car and drove to a craft store and bought a small block of clay and one tool. She came home and sculpted a small figurine. She had no prior training in sculpting. She had just 'unlocked' this amazing talent that she didn't even know she had. As time went on, she eventually was divinely inspired to create a life-size statue of the Savior entitled "Come Unto Me" and it was displayed at the Newport California Temple open house. WOW!! She had several of her sculptures at the church so we could see them, plus she showed us a power-point presentation of some of her other sculptures. She has an AMAZING talent!! She explained the story behind each sculpture and how she created them so that others could look at them and feel our Savior's love and want to 'come unto Him.' She has a large exhibit that will be on display at the Mesa Arizona Temple Visitor's Center in March. You can check out her website HERE to preview some of her works. I can guarantee if you've never seen her work (which I hadn't before) that you will be blown away!! Her sculptures have incredible details and just looking at them, you really feel as though Christ is in the room with you.
OK, onto my Blessing for this week. Can you guess what it is?

"I am so blessed to be a part of the Relief Society program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Sisterhood is so strong, wonderful, and truly amazing! I love the friendships that I've gained and have learned so much from so many women (and continue to learn). I love each of my 'sisters' and have a special place in my heart for them."
I love everything that the Relief Society stands for and does for women. I am so happy that I went to the Women's Conference this weekend and was able to make some new friends, learn some new things, strengthen our sisterhood, and be spiritually uplifted. When it was over, we had a big luncheon. I ran into someone I had just met on Valentine's Day helping in one of my kids' class parties. She's a mom of one of my kids' friends. We sat together and were able to get to know each other a little better. I love when that happens. She is so sweet and very creative (she planned their whole class party and also does Art Masterpiece for their class on a regular basis). I also had the opportunity on Friday to serve a sister in our ward by babysitting her youngest boy for part of the day while she and some 'sisters' helped get her apartment ready to bring home her brand new baby girl. It always feels so good to be able to serve or help others and know that my 'sisters' are there for me in time of need also.
Ok, this post turned out way longer than I had originally planned. Just so much on my mind from a fantastic weekend!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Not Very Bloggy
Spent the afternoon & some evening w/ Ben's family on Monday (picnic at the park) before Heather moved away on Tuesday. Ben took her to the airport that morning (very early) and then we just sort of "chilled" and were lazy that day.
Yesterday I took Anson to the pediatrician for his follow-up visit. His ear infection is totally gone & he's all better!! YAY!! Then I spent some time working on digi-scrap stuff.
Today, took Nathaniel to the orthodontist to get new wires on his braces and he changed the color of his bands to GREEN!! That way when St. Patrick's Day comes around, no one can pinch him. LOL :) He really loves being able to change the band colors each month! Makes his braces kinda fun, I guess!!
Went to lunch w/ Mom & Christy at our usual Subway today. Definitely lovin' our girl/family time!!
My visiting teachers came over and we had a fun discussion. Mostly about how to get our kids to clean their rooms and the rest of their stuff. Neither one of us could find the right answer to that huge mystery! ha ha Anyone out there have the answer to that Million Dollar Question???
Tonight is Nathaniel's PINEWOOD DERBY for cub scouts! He is so excited!! Ben & Nathaniel were so cute working together to make his car. Nathaniel wanted a camouflage hummer-ish vehicle...so that's what he made! Good Luck to him tonight!!
After that's over...it's GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! I'll be meeting my friends for a bite to eat then off to see a movie ("Definitely Maybe"). Have you seen it? Heard it's really cute. Can't wait to spend some time w/ the girls!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
52 Blessings - Week 7
This week I'd like to show my gratitude for my sweet Sister-in-Law, Heather (Ben's younger sister)! We moved back to Arizona just over 2 years ago (still can't believe it's been that long already) to be closer to family. Ben and I have been married almost 12 years (in March) and Heather and I have been friends since we met, but it's just in the last 2 years that we've gotten a LOT closer! I have grown to love her even more than I already did.

I am so sad that she's moving out of state on Tuesday! We are still going to call each other and email as often as we can. I feel so BLESSED to have her as one of my Sisters! She is such a great friend to me. Thank you for all you do, Heather! I LOVE you TONS and we're going to MISS all of you a LOT!!! Good Luck with your move! Hope you get there safely and everything goes well for your family! You deserve the BEST!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
My Week in Pictures
Tuesday was also my SIL (Heather) Birthday!! So, we had dinner, cake and ice cream at my MIL's house. Heather made us lasagna, which was delicious as usual!!! It was FUN! And it was also kind of a "going away" party because Heather, Tom, and Trevor are moving out of state next week. We LOVE them and will MISS them TONS!!!
Ben with his sisters, Heather & JoyI had to leave the party a little early because our ward was having our 1st "Tech Tuesday" Enrichment activity and I was in charge of teaching how to set up a family blog. It was fun, our numbers were small but that way we had plenty of individual time. I helped 4 people set up their family blogs. The ladies were great & learned it pretty quick! Thank goodness Blogger is very user friendly. Way to go Ladies!! And their blogs are lookin' good! My friend, Kristy, who asked me to teach, was so SWEET to bake my family an apple pie, a cherry pie and got some ice cream to go with them! They are SO GOOD!!! Thank you!!
Wednesday, I met some of my friends for a little lunch at Barro's. It was some much needed girl time. Thanks for the fun lunch ladies!! You ROCK!!
Here's a pic of Ashley enjoying her cupcake at her Valentine's class party!!

This one's for Julie! This is her cute daughter. Don't know if you can see it clearly, but she had dipped her lips into the hot pink frosting on her cupcake and it looked like lipstick! ha ha. All the kids were doing that and it was funny to see lots of hot pink lips & teeth!!

GOOD NEWS!!! It's FRIDAY!! And it's a LONG weekend!! Hope everyone has a great day & weekend!!
Having A Bad Day?
Bad Day at the Office
My friend, Patsy, sent this to me. It is absolutely hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing! How many of us have ever felt like this?? Have you ever done anything like this or just wanted to? I know that I have definitely wanted to do lots of these things! ha ha ha :)
It's just so funny to see people "act" on their frustrations! Watch it and you'll see what I mean.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine Excitement
Today has been full of excitement!!
First, I got the kids out the door for school (on time). Then raced to get cleaned up and left to go help with Ashley's class party. I had to circle back to the house because I forgot my bag of craft stuff. I was in charge of helping the kids make a valentine card to take home to give to their family (or anyone they want). The party was fun and everyone's cards turned out so cute!! All the tables had fun games or crafts! Anson came with me and got to play with cars and enjoy treats with the class. They had big cupcakes with hot pink frosting, which turned everyone's lips and teeth PINK!! LOL :)
Then, Anson and I headed out to meet Ben for lunch at Chili's! That was fun! Love the lunch rendezvous w/ my honey!!
During lunch, I received a call from a parent asking if I could come help with Nathaniel's class party this afternoon. She was at the school dropping off all the goods for the party and Nathaniel asked her to call me to let me know the time of the party. Silly guy. He told her that I could probably help but didn't know what time to come.
After lunch, came home for a short half hour and then right before leaving the house, I received a call from the school nurse saying that Ashley wasn't feeling well & was kind of dazed. I rushed to the nurse's office to check on her, she was tired and her tummy & ear were hurting. The nurse gave her some ibuprofen and said she could lay down & rest while I went to help with Nathaniel's party. I hesitated but she insisted it was ok.
So, off Anson & I went to Nathaniel's class. WOW! They had tons of fun stuff going on. I helped with the 'spin-art' table. The kids wrote a note on a paper-plate heart then on the other side they painted. Well, we put the hearts in a salad spinner and dropped some paint on it, then spin spin spin. Voila!! Beautiful hearts! (BTW - onehm's daughter was the fastest spinner of the day! That's what I told her & I think she liked that title because I heard her telling someone else! tee hee) Anyway, Anson kind of wandered around the room while everyone enjoyed their party doing different games and stuff.
Then, I was helping clean up and Anson disappeared. He had gone right outside the door (which was open to let in some air) to go to the bathroom a couple times and I helped him earlier. I ran to the bathroom, but he wasn't there. Then I ran out to the playground - not there either. I grabbed some boy and asked him to check in the boys' bathroom for me - not there! I ran over to Felicia's classroom (hers is right by Nathaniel's) and asked her to go look for him. She had said she saw him a little while earlier when she had to run to the office. Apparently he had followed her. I guess she didn't find that strange. I saw another parent and she told me that he was in the office. So, I told Felicia to go to Ashley's class and gather her stuff for her. I ran to the office as they were announcing my name over the loud speaker. Great! At least he was safe! Another girl saw him wandering around and took him to the office. I guess they remembered me or that Felicia had just been there. Don't know. Just so happy to find him! The P.E. teacher was in the office and was asking if he was a 'Dickinson' just as I came in. She said he looked just like his brother (everyone else was saying the same thing today).
So, I grabbed Anson and reminded him not to wander off because it scares me so much! Went into the nurse's office to check on Ashley. Poor little darlin' fell asleep. She must have been extra tired and the ibuprofen finally kicked in. She looked so sweet. Yep, I snapped a quick picture before waking her.
Finally found all the kids and left the school. WHEW! What a busy day! I have a few pictures, but need to add more batteries to my camera so I can upload them. I'll post them later.
Hope everyone is having a FUN day too!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Valentine's Day Cards

With Felicia's card, I actually typed individual's names on each one, so all she had to do was cut them out. She's very happy with how they turned out!
{Credits: JenLin "Modern Love" papers, ME "Hot Pink Valentine" lace heart}
Ashley wanted something really simple with pink and a heart & flower. She cut hers out and put each one in a little baggie with some candy hearts. She loved putting them all together by herself.
{Credits: ME "Hot Pink Valentine" paper & Love label; "Berry Fabulous" heart & flower}
Usually we buy the fun character cards from the store and the kids label them on their own. We just wanted to try something different this year. It was fun and they got to be creative! What did you do for kids' cards this year???
Monday, February 11, 2008
Siblings BFF

Sunday, February 10, 2008
52 Blessings - Week 6
When I was having a really bad day recently, Nathaniel told me "Mom, you make me really happy and I LOVE you so much!" He just melts my heart! He has also been a super great helper around the house lately. He is growing so fast and I feel like he's going to be all grown up before I know it. He is becoming a really good reader and enjoys Math (ahh a true follower of my heart). He loves playing video games (esp on xbox360) but also enjoys being outside (exploring and looking for bugs, riding his bike or rollerblades). He loves cub scouts and is getting really excited about our upcoming Pinewood Derby.
Anson is such a sweet little cuddle monster! He is always giving me hugs and kisses and tells me that he loves me! We enjoy our special time together while the other kids are at school. He is my "little/big man of the house" while they're gone and I know he loves it! He makes me laugh all the time. He's just such a cute little critter. He shows me his tummy so I can tickle him and pretends like he doesn't want me to. He is becoming quite the little helper also. He loves carrying groceries in the house with me and checking the mail. Just the other day, he put on his cloth Spider-Man mask and lifted part of it to uncover his lips then told me to kiss him! You know the way they did in the movie! LOL :) I do NOT want this guy getting any bigger. Can't they all just stay this age forever?!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Raising Up A Righteous Posterity
Then Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Elder Dallin H. Oaks (both in the Quroum of the Twelve Apostles), Sister Julie B. Beck (General Relief Society President), Sister Susan W. Tanner (General Young Women President), and Sister Cheryl C. Lant (General Primary President) discussed, as a panel, ways we can strengthen our families. It was done in such a loving and respectful way that it was so fantastic to listen and learn.
At the very end, our new Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, President Thomas S. Monson, spoke and gave us three guidelines to establish in our homes for raising a righteous posterity:
1 - A Pattern of Prayer
2 - A Library of Learning
3 - A Legacy of Love
Sister Lant was reminding us that of everything we do for our families, the most important thing we can do is LOVE them!!
I was going to take notes, but got caught up just listening that I didn't even open my notebook that I brought with me. Luckily for me I found someone who obviously took notes or was able to remember so much and put it on her blog. If you didn't have a chance to go to this meeting or didn't take notes, go check out Bobbi's notes. I am always trying to find new or improved ways that I can be a better wife & mom so that I can continue to do my very best. This meeting really inspired me to try even harder to do even better! We can always do better. If you would like to see this broadcast, there will be another one at 6pm (Arizona time) at a Stake Center. I'm not very eloquent when expressing my feelings, so all I can say is that this meeting was truly AMAZING!!
A couple of my favorite quotes from the meeting:
"LOVE is what you go through together." ~ James Therber
"It's not about who's right. It's about what's right." ~ Sister Lant
*Thank you Mom for babysitting, so I could go to this meeting!!
Thursday, February 7, 2008

I am SO EXCITED!!! Can't wait for the new book & movie!! I have read the other 3 books and totally LOVE them!!
Have you read the Twilight series? Do you like them?? Are you excited for the next book, Breaking Dawn?
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
American Idol
DAD is GREAT...he gives us CHOCOLATE cake!
Anyway, he talks about how one day, he let his wife sleep in and he had to feed the kids breakfast. So, he said they could have chocolate cake. The kids were like "are you SURE? Mom doesn't let us have that for breakfast!" So, he let them have it. Then the kids were happy & singing "DAD is GREAT...he give us CHOCOLATE cake!!" Everything was fine & dandy til the Mom woke up and wasn't pleased with his food selection! HA HA HA Sound familiar to anyone? Yah that would be ME.
Well, back to what made me think of this...we went to the store last night and bought a box of donuts from the bakery (half off because it was late)! But it was too late for the kids to have one as a treat. SO, Ben said the kids could have one for breakfast! You should have heard them last night. "BUT we want one tonight!" "NOPE! Go to bed!" And being the nice parents that we are, we snuck a donut when they went to bed. tee hee :)
So, as soon as they woke up this morning - the only thing that really made them leap out of bed was knowing they were getting donuts for breakfast!! Chocolate frosted w/ sprinkles! (**We hardly ever let them have something like that for breakfast, so they are majorly excited when it's a fun treat like that!)
DAD is GREAT...he gives us CHOCOLATE donuts!!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Voting & Taxes

Have you even thought about your taxes yet??? Do you enjoy doing them?? Do you have someone do them for you or do you do them yourself??
Monday, February 4, 2008
The Weekend & A Giveaway

On to the exciting news ~ my friend, crazymamaof6, is having a giveaway contest! All you have to do is leave her a comment, or 2 or 3, as many as you'd like. Then she'll pick 3 random winners to receive a gift from her! The fun part - it's a Pay-it-Forward, so then the winners can hold the same contest on their blogs too! So, go leave her some comments!! Good Luck!!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
52 Blessings - Week 5

Berry Fabulous FREEBIE
Ok, so it's a new month and new challenges at DSO. So, here's my contribution to KimB's February Color Challenge - BERRY FABULOUS Freebie Kit! I got a little carried away again, so it's quite large. I was just having so much fun with these fabulous colors!

The Hinckley Challenge

I just found out about this HERE and I think it's a wonderful idea!!
"President Hinckley often stressed our making the Book of Mormon part of our lives. He was 97 when he passed away, and we would like to celebrate his life and teachings by reading the Book of Mormon in 97 days."
All you have to do is go HERE and click the "Join me" button to create a username, so that you can keep track of your progress. You also have the option of adding your graph to your blog! Pretty cool, huh?!!
So, it starts today Sunday, February 3, 2008 and Ends Sunday, May 11, 2008. All you have to do is read 5.42 pages per day. Kind of an odd fraction, but I guess you could read 5 pages one day and 6 the next. Or just read 6 pages each day, then you'll be a little ahead. Whatever it breaks down to, I think it's awesome and totally worth it!!
One more way to show our love and respect for President Gordon B. Hinckley. Anyone else want to join in??
Friday, February 1, 2008
Hugs 'n' Kisses

Girls Night Out
Yep, I got home just in time to wake up my sweetie for work this morning. I was still wide awake, so I played on the computer a little bit & chatted on the phone w/ my hubby while he drove to work. Then I took about a 15 minute nap before waking the kids for school. Got them out the door, barely on time. Whew! That meant that I didn't have to throw on my robe and flip-flops and drive them to school. LOL :) YAY! So, I laid down again for about an hour until Anson woke me up handing me his cough syrup because he was coughing again this morning. Poor guy! So, needless to say, I AM VERY TIRED, but I'm not complaining because I had a great time last night! I needed to have some 'girl time' and just relax, so it was perfect! Although, we did miss our die-hard regulars Julie, Janie & Alicia!!
Homemade Water Slide
Holy Hanna! These guys are CRAZY!! But Funny!! Yah, I know we couldn't leave our kids home alone because they would probably come up with something like this! LOL :) It actually looks FUN, but someone would probably get hurt!
Hot Pink Valentine - FREEBIE

Special Thanks to Atomic Cupcake and Obsidian Dawn for their actions and brushes.