I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful family & friends!
Enjoy your family/friends & turkey {or whatever you're eating}!!!
After church, we watched Journey to the Center of the Earth together and Ben made popcorn {which made the kids very excited}! We all thought the movie was good! Very cute & interesting!
Then, we took a walk and ended up at Grandma & Grandpa Call's house for a little while. {The whole say there, Ashley & Anson were holding hands & were SO CUTE!!! Where is my camera at a time like that?} My Mom was so nice and shared pumpkin pie with everyone! I was the only one who didn't have any but only because my stomach was hurting. All the kids got to *trick-or-treat* again because my parents still have some remaining candy.
When we left, we stopped at the park on the way home. We all had FUN playing! Just before we were done, Ben & I were swinging & had Ashley & Felicia on our laps. Just as I was telling Felicia to get ready to jump off, suddenly we heard a loud THUMP and saw Ashley looking up & spitting sand out of her mouth! She was jumping off Ben's lap but her boot got caught and she belly flopped into the sand! Ahhhh luckily she wasn't hurt because Ben & I couldn't stop laughing! For once, she didn't throw a fit because we were laughing. Ben took her to the drinking fountain to rinse out her mouth! Then she was fine.
Came home for the kids to get cleaned up & no one was really hungry {from eating so much pie, think Ben, Nathaniel & Felicia had 2 slices, and the kids were eating candy too}. So, I lucked out & didn't have to make dinner. Just munched on a few crackers & cheese.
Ben left early this morning to go to jury duty. Hope he doesn't get stuck there all day. He's really needed a day off from work because he's been working extra days. As it turns out, Julie is at the same jury duty as Ben! How wild is that? LOL :) Good Luck you two!!
***EDIT*** The case was settled out of court, so they were ALL excused early! WOOHOO!!!
Gotta go get dressed...my Mom & I want to go check out Hobby Lobby in a little bit.