Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
1st Anniv & Lark FREEBIE
I am amazed how quickly this year has flown by. It's been such a great experience being on a team of wonderful designers! I have learned so much!! DSO is the BEST!!!

{credits HERE}
These pictures crack me up from the Father & Son's Campout. The men are wearing the SAME exact clothes both days! No need to bring clean clothes. LOL Oh and Nathaniel's disgusting crawdad! Bluh! Can't believe he thought he was going to boil it, then EAT it. Ummm sweetie, it's not fresh lobster! heeee heeee {credits HERE}
I also made this card (added fabric flowers & brad)

{scanned image}
And I am offering the card as a FREEBIE!

It includes the front & back and just the card face, so you can print it as you like.
I printed all the comments and let Anson pick one from a big bowl.
Merrianne {my SIL}
I had such a great response, that I decided to pick a Runner-Up to win a Lotion. It smells so good, I can't help wanting to share!
snowflake (Karyn)
I already have your addresses, so your prizes will be in the mail soon!
Thank You to all who entered my giveaway & posted it on their blogs!
Maybe I will have another contest soon.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I am excited that I don't have to do these again until August:
*pack 3 lunches (in August it will be 4 lunches)
*wake up early (Monday thru Friday)
*race to get kids ready
*throw on clothes or robe & run out the door to get kids to school on time (Barely on some days)
*nag about homework
*sign everyone's folder or agenda daily
Instead, here's what we will be doing this summer:
*NOT getting up super early every day (only if we WANT to)
*Reorganizing the kids' rooms
*earning points so the kids can "use" them to play video games & have sleepovers
*doing summer workbooks
*summer reading
*practicing violins (I'll be tutoring the kids)
*daily chores so the house doesn't look like several tornadoes hit
*squeezing in a little Webkinz time {gotta take care of my Olivia☺}
*Playing with Friends
*Summer Movie Fun
*Swimming, lots of swimming
*free school lunch (during June, Monday thru Thursday)
*going to Utah for Ben's family reunion
*Ben gets to go to ComiCon again
*hoping for NO fighting, hitting, screaming (is it possible or am I just dreaming? LOL)
*Having lots of FUN!!!
BUT, before all the summer FUN begins, I have a BIG day before the bell rings at 3pm & all the kids flee the school campus!
The kids have their Winners Assemblies shortly after school starts, so I will go to both of those (the younger grades & the older grades). Ashley will be receiving "Winning Attitude" award! YAY!! Felicia will be in the B.U.G. Club again (Bringing Up Grades or if you keep straight A's)! YAY!!! Nathaniel doesn't know yet if he's receiving any awards.
Then I get to meet my sister & cousins for our monthly Cousins Lunch! I'm so happy I get to see them more often now! Anson is looking forward to spending time with my cousin's son too! They're the same age & they have so much fun together!
I have a couple errands to run after lunch.
Pick up the kids from school & hear about all the exciting parties!
Let the kids swim for a little bit to cool off.
Then we'll all be off to Pack Meeting to see Nathaniel receive TONS of awards! We haven't had an official pack meeting for a few months because there have been other important meetings, like Blue & Gold Banquet, Pinewood Derby, etc. We are so proud to see Nathaniel accomplish so much! He has really been working hard and even achieving a few badges on his own {to surprise Ben - who is also their Webelos leader}! He will receive 9 pins, 1 belt loop, Webelos badge, Compass, 1 point on the Compass, and his Arrow of Light {which if you know anything about cub scouting, Arrow of Light is very Honorable}! He's so ecstatic to be receiving so many, especially right before his birthday! He'll be 11 on June 2nd, so he'll move up to Boy Scouts! He is growing UP way toooooooo fast for me!
Oh and Ben is also bringing the snow cone machine to make the treats for everyone at Pack Meeting! It's going to be yummy! And sticky. I'm glad I won't be in charge of that! LOL
Hope you all have a great day! And if your little ones have their last day of school today, hope your SUMMER is AWESOME!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Anyway, LOOK what I got today!

Monday, May 18, 2009
Fun & Busy + GIVEAWAY

{following in my footsteps ☺}
I also ran into an old friend from high school. We had orchestra & Japanese together (her mom was our Japanese teacher - one of my fave teachers).
Friday night, I went with Tangie & Molly to the Bohemian Bliss Soiree at Ms Alber's home. It was FUN! We all tried to dress up in Bohemian attire, but no one brought a camera, so you don't get to see our attempt. :( There were amazing booths of wonderful treasures! I wasn't able to purchase anything that night, plus how do you make up your mind with soooo many to choose from? I got their cards & will definitely be checking their sites & put a few things on my wish list! What's the next gift-receiving holiday? teee heee {just found some pics of the event HERE}

Saturday morning came quickly. We got up early went to The Park of the Canals to let the kids put their handprint on a tile - Kaboom! is going to be building a new play area at the end of the month. These tiles are going to be included in the design.

Nathaniel getting his hand painted.

Since this is the LAST WEEK of SCHOOL for my kids,

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
School Elections

YAY!!!! Felicia WON as SECRETARY!!!!! Woooohoooooooo!!!!!
Way to go sweetie!!!
What's been going on...

Felicia got rollerblades for Christmas and LOVES wearing them all the time! She loves using them to get to/from friends' houses. One day a couple weeks ago, she fell on the way to her friends' house and skinned her knee.

Ok think we have already hit SUMMER weather. It's been at least 100 degrees for several days in a row. But a couple weeks ago, the weather was absolutely perfect! Especially the evenings, I enjoy leaving our backdoor & our bedroom door {to the patio} open all day. Well, one evening, I left our bedroom patio door open most of the night (the screen was closed). I got up around 2am and closed it. I won't be doing that anymore!

Ben carefully picked it up and put it in Nathaniel's bug catcher so we could have a closer look at it. He also decided to get out the black light {we use it at Halloween} to see if it really glows. Those are grasshoppers in the bug catcher with the scorpion.

Ben went right to bed, I mean after all, it was late and he had to get up early for work. Ummmmm NOT ME!!! I had a hard time even stepping foot into our room. I had to go to the other side of the house {of course, turning on each light before I entered the room} and watched some episodes of my fave shows on the computer (our DVR didn't record them properly). I stayed up til almost 3am. Anson got up at one point coughing, so I let him sleep in my lap for a while. I was so tired, I finally got in bed, but not before I checked the room again. I may sound like a total baby, but I did NOT want to get stung!
Ok, so I finally fell asleep in bed. Ben woke me up a couple hours later when he was leaving for work to let me know that his truck had been broken into and his stereo was GONE! He asked me to please call & report it. I came outside to see his truck and to also see if my van was ok. Whew! My van was fine. Went back to bed. Got up a couple hours later to get the kids up & took them to school. When I got back, I decided to look around the carport and see if anything else was missing. Yep, they took Felicia & Ashley's bikes! Dang thieves!

I went to see STOMP with some friends. Well, last minute someone couldn't go, so we brought Felicia with us. It was AMAZING!!! Felicia loved it too!
Mother's Day/Weekend
The weekend started out with the boys leaving for the Father/Son campout. They had a few extra people with them - Ben's friend Trey & his son, My Dad & a neighbor friend.

While the boys were away, I had bunko! I was in the 3-way tie for most wins or losses (can't remember which one) but in the roll-off, I didn't win. Oh well, I got this CUTE door prize! The kids thought it was funny.

Sunday morning, the kids woke up & wished me Happy Mother's Day right away! Awwww what a nice way to wake up! Kids hugging & kissing me while I was still in bed. So sweet!!! Nathaniel asked me if I would make Belgian waffles. What??? He quickly corrected himself, Ummm Dad can you make pancakes? That's more like it. hahaha So, he did. Ben makes the most delicious pancakes!

These are the fun & lovey dovey cards I got from my darling kids & Ben!

Ashley's card was sooo cute! She made it at school and inside it says all the things she loves about me! Awwww. She also made me a "diamond" necklace! I wore my pretty diamond to church. She was so happy!
At church, all the primary kids got up in Sacrament meeting to sing a couple songs for the Moms. This is one of my favorite times at church! Even if they're not singing or don't remember the words, the fact that they get up there and smile back at me - awwwww just melts my heart!

Oh my goodness! They totally spoiled us at church! Not only did we get the sweet cards from the kids, but this is what they gave all of us too. A super delicious cookie from Sweet Cakes {a family in our ward owns it}, caramel/chocolate dipped pretzel, primary cookbook {kids wrote the recipes with the 'real' recipe attached, bookmark & sweet quote to hang on fridge.

After church, we went to visit Ben's Mom. Ben picked out an apple scented flameless candle (takes batteries) & cute mug {both from Real Deals} for his mom.

Ben & his Mom

ME & my Mom

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My Design Style

What's your decorating style??
Saturday, May 2, 2009

You do NOT want to miss out on these great savings!
I am also hosting a NSD Surprise Challenge! Go HERE for details & a chance to win a $5 GC.
Better Hurry! The challenge lasts for ONLY ONE DAY - ends May 2nd at Midnight (CST)!!!

To Celebrate, I created Bee My Honey to share and it will be FREE the whole month of May!