~Thanks for the cute scrapbook designs!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Go Diego Go!
~Thanks for the cute scrapbook designs!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Screen Shots!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Pack Meeting & Girls Night
(Background paper from ShabbyPrincess)
We are SO PROUD of Nathaniel for all his hard work and his achievements in the scouting program! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!
Nathaniel's also excited because my Dad (Grandpa Call) invited him to go on his ward campout... just the two of them. And they get to go fishing! Nathaniel can't wait for that because he even has his own fishing rod that he's bringing. I can just hear it now..."Grandpa, when are we going fishing?...Is it time to go fishing yet?...Can I get my fishing rod out, just to look at?...Grandpa, I love fishing!" He's such a silly boy!
Girls Night! Girls Night! Gotta Love the Girls Night Out! We went to R&R Pizza (Greenfield & Baseline) for dinner. Then we headed over to Janan's for treats, Halloween crafts & chatting. I had so much FUN! And we made some cute Halloween decorations. Well, I only made one, but I watched everyone else make more. ha ha. I have to buy some ribbon to finish it, then I will take a picture. I really enjoy being able to get out once a month to be with the Girls! We always have so much fun together & can talk about anything! It's so great! Being one of the "night owls" I didn't get home til 4:30am, just in time to wake up Ben to get ready for work. I only got to sleep for a couple hours then got up with the kids. So, yes, I'm tired today! But it's worth it!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
We have also been working on our pool pump. The dang thing overheated or something from losing pressure, boiled the water in the pipes, and a big pipe melted! Of course, it's the part that connects several other pipes, so we had to get a new one of those plus other parts to connect everything. We did most of that on Monday, but we had to wait for all the glue to bond and setup. So, we finally turned it on Tuesday afternoon, seems to be working but still has lots of air in the system. We shocked the pool yesterday and ran the pump all evening (it hasn't been on in over 2 weeks, so the water is yucky green). This morning it's looking tons better. It usually takes a few days to 2 weeks to get the pool back to where it should be...blue & clear! It should be ready just about the time it's cooling off. Isn't that how it always works out? Oh well.
Ben went back to work today, so I can get back to my schedule. Nathaniel has a pack meeting tonight and will be receiving his Wolf badge, 1 gold arrow & 5 silver arrows! He was supposed to receive those back in May, but because the Scout shop had moved they didn't get the badges in time. So, now he finally gets what he's earned. WAY TO GO!!! He's been working hard on his scout stuff. He already has 3 parts (out of 12) done toward his Bear!
GIRLS NIGHT TONIGHT!!! YAY I always look forward to our girls' night out!
Gotta go get all my stuff done today!
Monday, September 24, 2007
HALO 3...Finish the Fight!

(I got all these images from the Halo 3 official website.)
So, if I don't have a chance to blog tomorrow, you know where I'll be...playing games with my hubby! This is the BEST GAME EVER! Nathaniel is so jealous that he has to go to school while we play. ha ha :)
Another Scrapbook Page

(I got the paper, letters, & embellishments from ShabbyPrincess.)
I love, love, love all the wonderful background pages, letters, and embellishments that so many creative people have made! I also think it's awesome that they give some away for free (but that's also to get you totally hooked and want to buy more)! Well, it worked...I'm hooked! I think both programs have good features. I guess it also depends on what you really want to create and how much time you want to spend doing it.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Scrapbook Fun

(I got the paper & frame from www.tangiebaxter.com)
(I got the paper, ribbons & embellishments all from www.scrapbookflair.com)
I love scrapbooking, but I usually don't sit down & get it done. This was a lot of fun to create on the computer. It's easy to share them online or print if you want. I don't know if I'll use all my ink to print them, but they certainly look cute!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Ward Campout
Ben & Me
Ashley, Ashlynn (friend), and Felicia
Alyssa (friend), Ashlynn (friend), and Felicia being SILLY!
Ben turned and kissed me at the last second when I snapped this picture!
Nathaniel found this awesome caterpillar. I looked it up online and it's called a "Pamina Moth" or Automeris pamina. We kept it & brought it home with us. He named it Mr. Big. It was about to cocoon but then died. If it would have lived, this is what it would've turned into:

Isn't it pretty? The kids were sad, especially Nathaniel, when Mr. Big died. We were looking forward to seeing it transform.