Holy Hanna! I haven't posted on my poor little bloggy in for-evah!
Ok, this is gonna be kinda long - BUT it's our summer in a photo-nutshell.
June 2, 2009 - My oldest {Nathaniel} turned 11
June 26, 2009 went to Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House
The temple was BEAUTIFUL!!!
June 27, 2009 HUGE Family Reunion at Bridal Veil Falls in Provo, UT
Ben's Family with all his siblings (minus 1) plus his parents & nieces/nephews
June 27, 2009 my beautiful daughter, Felicia, had her 10th birthday!
July 4, 2009 we celebrated Independence Day with a few fireworks of our own (in our backyard)!

July 23, 2009 thesedorks guys left for Comic-Con in San Diego, CA
July 26, 2009 They came home.
Ben got all of us tons of FUN free swag!
Are these not the CUTEST little Batmen & Catwomen?
I told Ben he really shouldn't bother coming home unless he found some New Moon swag.

June 27, 2009 my beautiful daughter, Felicia, had her 10th birthday!

July 23, 2009 these

Ben got all of us tons of FUN free swag!

I told Ben he really shouldn't bother coming home unless he found some New Moon swag.
Awesome trading cards, plus see that Carlisle Ring? Everyone was waiting in line for raffles to win one of those. Someone thought his costume was COOL so he gave one to Ben! Woohooo! Way to go hubby!
He also scored these posters for me!
The big posters look just like the smaller ones, but the back looks faded & backwards almost like you're looking thru the poster! Pretty awesome!!! Thanks again babe!
Ok, so we wanted to wear the COOL masks too!
Do we look HOT or what? LOL
These two actually played together a LOT this summer!

August 5, 2009 This little guy got a haircut!
He also scored these posters for me!

Ok, so we wanted to wear the COOL masks too!

These two actually played together a LOT this summer!

August 5, 2009 This little guy got a haircut!
Are you diggin' on his sweet locks?
Well, don't get too used to them, cuz now they're gone!
There's my adorable Anson!
August 6, 2009 My munchkins got some new Webkinz
Thanks MOM for finding these amazing deals @ Costco!
August 7, 2009 I had foot surgery. OUCH!

And got to wear thiscute shoe for the last 3 weeks.
Well, don't get too used to them, cuz now they're gone!

August 6, 2009 My munchkins got some new Webkinz

August 7, 2009 I had foot surgery. OUCH!

And got to wear this
I can finally squeeze into a sandal, so at least my shoes match now.
August 9, 2009 the Boys being silly after church

The Girls striking a pose after changing out of church dresses.
Yep, they planned on their matching outfits! heee heee
August 10, 2009 Ben left for Oregon (for work)
August 12, 2009 FIRST day of school
Nathaniel - 5th grade, Ashley - 2nd grade, Anson - Kindergarten, Felicia - 5th grade
Yep, my sweet fun baby is in all day school now! I have totally mixed emotions about that. I'm happy for him because he loves it & was so excited to start school. On the other hand, I miss my little buddy hanging out with me all day!
After 1st day of school treats!
Sonic Slushees
While Felicia was playing on the computer after school.....

I found Ashley like this...
She curled up on a jacket on the floor & passed out. LOL
I found Nathaniel sawin' some zzzzz's on the couch
Anson was watching tv, but quickly gave in to his heavy eyelids. haha
They had a wonderful 1st day of school, but apparently it totally wore them out!
August 16, 2009 10pm - Nathaniel got stung by a Bark Scorpion!
OUCH!!! Poor guy! He thought he needed to go to the ER or he would DIE! He knows those suckers are very poisonous! I talked to Ben on the phone {yep he was still out of town}, looked it up online and also called Poison Control. All I had to do was wash the area with soap & water, dry it off, apply a cool compress, and give him some Tylenol. As long as he didn't have an allergic reaction (like hives or trouble breathing), then he would be OK. Poison Control did warn me that this type of scoprion releases neurotoxins and within 6hrs he would probably have some numbness and/or tingling anywhere on his body. It could take 24hrs up to 2weeks for it to go away. He had some tingling the next day and came home from school early, but was fine later that evening. Thank goodness!!!!
August 9, 2009 the Boys being silly after church

The Girls striking a pose after changing out of church dresses.

August 10, 2009 Ben left for Oregon (for work)
And my sister, Christy, had her birthday!
August 12, 2009 FIRST day of school

Yep, my sweet fun baby is in all day school now! I have totally mixed emotions about that. I'm happy for him because he loves it & was so excited to start school. On the other hand, I miss my little buddy hanging out with me all day!
After 1st day of school treats!

While Felicia was playing on the computer after school.....

I found Ashley like this...

I found Nathaniel sawin' some zzzzz's on the couch

August 16, 2009 10pm - Nathaniel got stung by a Bark Scorpion!

That night ALL the kids slept in my bed with me.
I had our pest control company back at our house and respraying for scoprions inside & out!
August 18, 2009 Ahhh yes, that's water under our Hot Water Heater.
Well, it was 15 years old, so time for a new one!
Another thing to take care of while Ben was out of town.
Luckily, my Dad's friend came over right away to replace it!

August 22, 2009 we Celebrated Anson's 5th birthday!
{even tho his actual bday is August 23rd}
Ben came home for the weekend to celebrate Anson's bday!
See - my foot is healing quite nicely!
I took this pic this morning. I know my feet are covered in scars. But the newest one is on my left foot in the middle. My foot still hurts a lot periodically and I can't walk very fast.
August 18, 2009 Ahhh yes, that's water under our Hot Water Heater.

Another thing to take care of while Ben was out of town.
Luckily, my Dad's friend came over right away to replace it!

August 22, 2009 we Celebrated Anson's 5th birthday!

Ben came home for the weekend to celebrate Anson's bday!
August 28-29th Nathaniel had his FIRST Boy Scout Campout! He was ecstatic! He loved that all the boys got to help plan the menu - he LOVES food! He came home covered in dirt, but had a BLAST!!!
See - my foot is healing quite nicely!

Ok, sorry to end this LONG post with a pic of my foot (I know feet are gross) but at least my toenails look cute, right? LOL
Oh I had Parent Information Evening (PIE night) last night with Anson & Ashley's teachers. Their teachers seem nice & fun. Plus the kids love them! Looks like the year is off to a good start!
Today is picture day for the kids. We were late, but NOT because I was busy fixing their hair (I got that done on time) but Anson was stuck on the potty - crying in pain. Poor guy. He finally did his business and we were on our way! Felicia was the only one on time because I had to take her to school early for a student council meeting.
Tomorrow is PIE night for Nathaniel & Felicia's classes. I'll be busy trying to touch base with both teachers since usually Ben & I divide & conquer. But he is still out of town. In fact, he's on his way to Seattle today for PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) with his friend Trey. They will be helping EA promote the sequel to Army of Two xbox game {they will be dressed in total Army of Two gear}!
Ok, I'm out!
This post must have taken forever to make! But you write a good story, I had fun reading it and looking at the photo's.
Your kids seem like such a happy bunch! Strange enough I love the photo's of the boys being silly and the girls posing the most. :) The 'non eventful' photo's. LOL.
I must say, I also thought a scorpion was much more dangerous! I'm not saying it was fun what he had, but... phew! Glad he got away with it this way!
Take care!
Hope you get back on your feet soon! (pun intended) ;)
It's been so fun to catch up on your family! I LOVE the masks from comic-con! And, that Scorpion sting would have freaked me out! Love the first day of school pic too!
holy crud! you are super woman. i had a hard time with the hubs gone for 4 days and you did almost a whole month, and had major stuff happen. post surgery, scorpion sting, water heater go out. CRAZY CRAP! i bow down.
glad you are on the mend. i like anson's hair short. Hope talks about him every day.
that's some sweet swag Ben got for you.
did he bring home more from PAX?
wow what a post and what a special family you have((hugs))
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